Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Tucker Max Sued!

That's right, folks. Internet comedy writer Tucker Max has been sued by some "socialite" and "PR Man" named Anthony DiMeo III. I'm not too familiar with this douche, but I believe he is an heir to some sort of fortune from blueberries. That's irrelevant though. He's suing Max because of a message board on Max's web site that he claims is libelous toward him. From what I can understand, this guy basically doesn't want anyone speaking badly about him anywhere and is being a big cry baby. What ever happened to free speech?

I can't imagine DiMeo actually winning this battle (he's suing Max for over $1 million). It should be interesting to see how this whole thing pans out, though. Here are some links:

Tucker Max's Blog

DiMeo-related threads on the Tucker Max Message Board

The Original Article

Another Metro Article

Another Related Article

A much longer article

Help spread the word about this case; it could mean very big things for free speech on the internet.


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